Long Island, Part 2- Montauk

The second part of the LI mission was to reach Montauk Point, more specifically, Camp Hero.

It was a very long ride out, past the Hamptons. About the only thing I know about the Hamptons comes from the movie Weekend at Bernies and the cable TV show Royal Pains.

Which is to say that basically, I know people who live in the Hamptons are very, VERY monetarialy abundant.

So, after leaving Brookhaven National Lab (which I just found out more about and will post on the LI Part 1 page)we drove through all of the quaint and beautiful towns that line Montauk Hwy, and after some tedious hours (yes hours) we arrive at our hotel. As the room was not ready for check in, we decided to go eat and then check back.

At The Salt Box I had some of the most fantastic fish tacos EVER.


This  aioli is YUMYUMYUM! Check out those cool utensils!

And now fortified, we headed out to Camp Hero.

If you are not familiar with the alleged secret activities that took place (and some say still take place underground) here, you can do some research. Just search “Al Bielik”, “Montauk boys”, or better yet, watch the documentary “The Montauk Chronicles”. Here are some useful links as well, but as always DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH AND USE YOUR OWN DISCERNMENT.

I recommend Peter Moon’s summary found here:


One of most revealing and interesting bits of info I have come across (after the trip) is that this site was a place of ancient stone pyramids!

Here are other possibilities to review:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zq9mK7tEEjE  Chris Garetano is interviewed about his movie “The Montauk Chronicles”, which examines the stories and legends that surround the alleged Montauk Project.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQU-gpaqNzA   “Montauk Exposed”with Dan Duval,  two survivors who bring nearly identical memories and accounts of what actually happened during Project Montauk at Camp Hero.

As I planned this trip, I just somehow knew I had to go here.


A totally creepy place, IMO


We drove through the site after paying an park entrance fee, and I had no idea where I was supposed to go or what I was supposed to do. I had feeling I was there to clear out the low negative energy, and of course, add healing to any activity that actually took place (if it traumatized and mind-controlled another human, especially a child).

You can certainly find some weird pictures and horrible accounts, conspiracy theories, etc online.  Even if none of that were true, its just weird that this place is in such decay and yet the site of a state park.

My viewpoint:  It seems that after they shut this place down, they tried to “cover” the negative aspect by placing picnic tables and such all around, to draw people to a “nature spot”,  to prove it’s all “OK”.

( Except for the fact it has the ghostly buildings and lots of non-natural , “dead” things all around, I guess its a good plan.)


Entering the East Gate…how appropriate!

The energy was very weird here. A strange “electric”feeling, a heavy, low, sticky feeling as we drove around.

We literally saw maybe 2 cars the whole time. No one was about. I don’t blame them!

The Brit made a great observation (as he often does) :”What’s the purpose of keeping all this here? Why not tear it town and use the scrap?”

Exactly! If they wanted it gone, it would be gone. So why still here? What’s it really for?

As we pondered and looked about, I saw it: The iconic radar tower looming above us : Creepy for sure, but also macabre. Im’ not easily creeped out anymore, but this was pretty weird even for me.



And so as the road wound around we got closer and there was a picnic table (!) under a tree near a small sidewalk that went right up a hill toward the tower. We pulled over there to think and let me tap into the energy.

What was I to do here? What was it about this tower?

I got out and walked up to the small gate, to see if I could get up to the monster looking down on us.


Yeah, right.

So….it was interesting that I was being blocked from this tower. Hmmm….And, OF COURSE I WOULD NEVER go somewhere I shouldn’t.

What I will say: I met 2 people on the site who did go in and …who provided some very interesting information!

A young woman and man, who just happened to appear from no where , shared that they had been inside the fence last year, and the girl had even gone inside the tower! She told me a story that there was a hole in the base, and she crawled inside….it was very weird she said, lots of loose wires, a ghostly (her words) staircase and strange “things”.  She said it was totally creepy (that word again). It is now patched and no one can enter.  I found this picture online after I began looking around :


Looking back now, I wonder if these two people  had anything to do with this amazing story:


The ceremony had to be done, and so creativity was used and it was an awesome and powerful event. Tobacco was thrown!

Some people dont like rules, or signs.  (I know I don’t!)


Looks like someone put a generator crystal and an iolate gemstone on the side of the tower!


Bottom line: An important ceremony was done for the tower bringing a CLEARING and HEALING of this place,including the underground, and to restructure that tower to send out high vibrational energy.  Much like what I did at Brookhaven, I stated that  WE DO NOT CONSENT to any manipulation, deception, hidden agendas, negative energy. We invite in the directional energies of the land,the ancestral caretakers,  the healing spirits of water, sky and earth. We re-establish this site as place that reflects good medicine, healing, freedom and truth.

And to seal the event, sacred were left items to generate the energy and help establish the new stream of light.


Crow and Egret, working together.

I will always be grateful to these two people for “happening” along and assisting. Thank you friends!

We said good-bye and I walked back to my car in awe of these courageous young people. Truly, this place was so icky, I could not wait to get out!

We then drove further to the Montauk Lighthouse,  to do another ceremony, but I “heard” it was not for me to do at this time. And so, I left after tossing tobacco and saying a prayer for peace and love to be shown outward for all who can see, and to open the eyes of those still asleep.



Then it was back to the hotel, and at last, and a break. It was a long day, and being in low energy places for a long time makes me very tired.   But, I knew it was also one of the more important ceremonies that was done on this trip, and I know I will find out more about why I had to go there. I walked down to the cold, windy beach, and did some clearing for myself, and I felt so much better.

Then finally:


And of course, another friend:


We left Long Island the next day, having done all that was meant to be done.

On to Boston!



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